Flower Delivery

Same Day Delivery

Same day deliveries must be received by 2pm GMT.
Orders received after this time will be delivered the next working day.

If no one present to receive the flowers

If the recipient is out when our driver arrives we will never leave flowers on a visible doorstep we will always try to find a neighbour and if they are happy to take the flowers in we will leave them in their safe hands and post a card through the recipients door explaining where they have been left.

If no neighbours are about and there is a safe undercover place to leave them at the recipients property we will do so ensuring they are not visible to roads and passers and are protected from weather conditions. A card will be posted through the recipients door explaining where they have been left.

Telephone numbers for recipients is always handy so we can contact them directly in case of any issues regarding delivery.

On the odd occasion where recipients are on holiday or we cannot access the property flowers are returned to the shop.
We will post a card through the recipients door asking them to call us to arrange redelivery or to collect from us.

Please note we cant always redeliver on the same day depending on area and time. You, the customer will be contacted if we feel necessary information needs to be given to you regarding your order.